Create a New Company

After the program finishes starting up, you will be presented with a screen that has a small box with several text fields and buttons on it, which looks like the below image.


This box allows you to both log-in to an already existing account and to create a new account. To Create a New Account, simply fill in all 3 text fields and press the New Account button. If there are no conflicts, your account will be created and you will move on to the main screen.

All new accounts receive a $500,000 loan from the Bank to build their airline with. The loan has the standard 10% Bank Interest, and you will have to pay $100,000 a month until it is fully paid off. Because of this, it is HIGHLY suggested that you create some reasonably profitable Flights before the end of the first in-game Month.

How to Save

At the bottom left corner of the main window, there is a small button that reads "Save Changes". To save any changes you have made to your company, simply press this button. Once you press this button, you will notice the progress bar on the top right corner of the screen react. When the changes finish getting saved, you message will pop up to inform you. At this point, it is safe to exit your browser or go to a new website without losing the changes you have made.


Loging-In is very similar to creating your company. When loging-in, you are not required to fill in all of the information. Just filling in your Username and Password, or your Company Name and Password will be enough. If you are having trouble loging-in, attempt to log-in by filling in all of the fields (and check the "Show Password" box to make sure you entered your password correctly).


Home Page

The Home page contains a bunch of very useful lists to help you manage your airline.

  • Company Report: A basic overview of your airline. This contains the number of airplanes you have (both leased and owned), the number of airports you operate at, the number of pilots you have hired, the number of crew members you have hired, and the number of flights you have.
  • Expense Report: A basic overview of your airline's financial information. This contains the amount of profit you got from flights the previous month, the amount of expenses you incurred from flights the previous month, the current amount you are spending per month on leasing, the current amount you are spending per month on pilots, the current amount you are spending per month on crew, and the current amount you are spending per month on airports.
  • Problem Report: A basic overview of any problems you have with your flights. It creates three list: the first being all of your flights that have negative profits, the second being all of your flights that have low load factors, and the third being a list of all of your flights that do not have a plane assigned to them. This report can give you a good idea where to begin making adjustments to your airline.
  • Airport Report: A basic overview of each airport you operate at. This simply contains a list of all of your airports, how much you are paying per month to operate there, and how many daily flights the airport has. Knowing the number of daily flights can be extremely useful for planning expansions.
  • To Do List: A basic list of what you need to do before the next simulation run.
  • Weather Report: A basic overview of the previous month's weather data.

Useful Features

There are several extremely useful items that will follow you around the program and can help you when you get confused.

The first useful feature is the Navigation list, located just above the Save button. This list allows you change between pages and manage your airline. Each page is explain in more detail in other parts of the tutorial.




The next useful feature is the Funds field. This field shows you how much money your company has available to it.

Next to the Funds field is the Company Value field. The value of a company is determined by all of its earned profits and the value of all of the planes it ownes. Leasing planes and taking out loans will not add to the value of your company. The value of the company is very important, as it determines how much money the bank is willing to loan to you. If the value of your company goes negative, you have 12 months to get back a positive value or your company will go into bankruptcy.

Next to the Company Value field is the Date field. This field indicates which month and year the simulation is currently on. The starting date is January, 2011.

Next to the Date field is the Progress Bar. Whenever the program is doing something that may take a few seconds or more, such as saving, the Progress Bar will become active until the task is finished.

The last feature is the Show Tips checkbox. When checked, every item in the program will provide information about itself when you hover your mouse over it. This information is EXTREMELY useful, and it is highly suggested that new members have this box checked.

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